Saturday, June 6, 2015

Belmont Jewel

Saturday, June 6, 2015 the horses will gather at Belmont Park in Long Island to race the third leg of the Triple Crown: the Belmont Stakes.  Surrounding them will be 90,000 fans, giant hats and countless commemorative glasses filled with the Belmont Jewel, the official drink of the race. 

In past years, the official drink has been the Belmont Breeze, but for reasons unkonwn it was converted to the Jewel in 2011.

The two are both bourbon cocktails, though the Breeze features orange and cranberry juices, plus a splash of sherry.  

The Jewel is a bit stronger.  It requires:

1.5 ounces of Bourbon (The race track recommonds Knobs Creek, but use what you like)
2 ounces of lemonade
1 ounce of promegranate juice.

Shake that all together with ice, pour it into a rocks glass and garnish with a cherry or lemon.  May your bets be lucky, and if they're not may you have enough Belmont Jewels to be in a good mood anyhow.


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